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  2. Installing uMarketingSuite
  3. What does the installer do?

What does the installer do?

Installing the uMarketingSuite and running the application for the first time initializes different pieces of the uMarketingSuite.

  1. It installs the following folders & files
    1. /App_Plugins/uMarketingSuite/*
    2. /Assets/uMarketingSuite/*
    3. /config/uMarketingSuite/*
  2. It adds two datatypes to your Umbraco installation in the folder 'uMarketingSuite'
    1. uMarketingSuite - Node picker
    2. uMarketingSuite - Time input
  3. It adds an piece of middleware (in code) to your solution to track all requests to your website
  4. It adds the Marketing section (via code) to your Umbraco installation and gives every user group access to this section
  5. It sets up all the database tables of the uMarketingSuite. You can recognize the database tables because they are all prefixed with 'uMarketingSuite'.