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Implicit & explicit personalization

The uMarketingSuite uses both the concept of implicit and explicit personalization.

Explicit personalization

This is the "easiest" concept to grasp. For every explicit parameter the uMarketingSuite is simply true or false. For example the browser parameter is an example of an explicit parameter. A visitor is using a Chrome browser, or not. There cannot be much debate about this and the parameter simply returns "true" or "false".

Most of the parameters within the uMarketingSuite are explicit and simply true or false.

Implicit personalization

But the unique part of the uMarketingSuite is that is also uses implicit personalization. Based on behaviour of a specific visitor the uMarketingSuite can assume that a visitor is a specific persona or in a specific customer journey phase.

In these article you can read how to setup the customer journey or personas. As soon as you have set these up you can use the segment parameters for the customer journey and the personas.

In the segment builder you can use these implicit parameters in the same way you would apply any other segment parameter.

By clicking personas you will see an overview of all the personas that you've setup within your installation. In our case we see the persona groups "Profiles" and "Companies" and the personas "Data & Privacy Officer", "Developer", "Marketer", "Agency", "Company" and "Umbraco HQ". If we now want to create a segment for all personas that are "Data & Privacy officer" we simply add that persona as a parameter to the segment.

From now on you can use this segment to personalize the experience of your visitors. 

By the way; of course you can mix and match implicit and explicit segment parameters. So if you want to create a segment for the persona "Marketer" which is using the browser "Firefox" and is logged in, that is perfectly fine!

If you want to figure out how the algorithm is working you can read the documentation about how it works, or simply see it in action on your own website with the fantastic uMarketingSuite cockpit.